BOD Minutes – September 1, 2022
MINUTES – September 1, 2022.
SITE – UHSAA Boardroom
The meeting began at 11:37 a.m.
ATTENDEES: S. Gardner, Miya, Toole, Carr, J. Gardner, Hirschi, Valdez, Rydalch, Harris, Cowley, Bennett, T. Carr, Draayer, Ferrin, Hawkins, Hoch, Jones, Mathis, Michaelis, Preece, Smith, Stevens, Thompson, Wharton and Wyatt.
EXCUSED: Tueller, Cuff, Greybeal and Mooney.
“Let’s get going. Please find your seats. We are burning daylight.” President Steve
Gardner welcomed the Board of Directors to the meeting. Steve played some country music on his phone for his or our enjoyment. We were a little confused!
“Does anyone have anything they would like to complain about?” No.
MINUTES: August 4, 2022- Steve
Motion: Kelly 2nd: Elaine Approved
Update on Fall Hall of Fame Banquet- Norma/Rich/Mae
- ● Rich passed out handouts for the banquet showing the tickets sold and the map of the table placements. We have 432 tickets sold as of last night. The blue number on the far right is the total purchased supporting each honoree. The PRCA is still planning on purchasing a table. Mailing of tickets will be on Tuesday. Tickets purchased after the online purchase deadline closes will be in Will Call.
- ● The BOD still needs to get their ticket purchases a.s.a.p. If you have a preference of where you want to sit, let Rich know. Otherwise, we will assign you a seat that evening.
- ● Copies of the seating chart will be available that night for ushers and at the WIll Call table.
- ● Norma passed out a blue handout of the BOD responsibilities and timeline for the evening. Please make sure you wear your nametags. Admiral Paul will meet with ushers and place the program on the tables (8 per table).
- ● Deb reminded the sponsors that it is their responsibility to get their honoree where they should be…on time. Thanks
- ● Norma went over the handout to clarify and make sure there were not any questions. Tom made the comment that he had trouble ordering a ticket online with his Iphone. Deb will help him after the meeting.
- ● Norma especially wanted to thank the sponsors and everyone for helping make this event successful. Mae, Rich and his wife, Joel, Steve, Tom, etc. have done an amazing job. “It takes a village”. On September 6th at 10 a.m. here at the UHSAA we will make seating assignments and mail/ or Will Call the tickets.
- ● Norma said we will have Table 42 filled with Legislators as our guests that evening. Please make it a point to talk with them and make them feel appreciated. ***Norma said that one of her volleyball players at Davis H.S. saw information about the banquet through a Museum ad. She actually bought a ticket and is coming to the banquet. Wow. Program Update- Joel
● Joel said everything is ready to go. He met with Jenna to proofread the program
last night, but her computer went down. He will get it out tonight. Program is 28 pages long. Joel thanked sponsors for their help with the ads.
Fall Banquet Sponsors Report: Steve/Debl/Larry/Tres/Doug
- ● Steve said that Scott is very hard to catch. He won’t answer phone calls or emails. He heard that he always goes to the same convenience store at 5:45 a.m. to get a burrito. Steve waited 45 minutes…no show. He immediately went home and called. Scott answered! We have ads from Spanish Fork HS and Utah Tech.
- ● Deb said that Norma “has it all covered”! We have a lot of support from SLCC, Davis HS, U of U and more.
- ● Tres said they have ninety tickets, so things are going well. The family has purchased three tables. Dave Checketts assistant has been very cooperative and helpful. Dave is excited to be honored. Tres said he was getting very frustrated with Checketts and staff. Dave was here for his SOV taping. He had a little time and wondered if he could visit with his father. Tres said that after their visit with Arnie, he changed his opinion of Dave. Great person.
- ● Doug said that Cody Wright is going to be a great inductee. The PRCA has bought a table and an ad. They are going to put articles in their newsletters and send a film crew from Colorado. We have ads from Milford and Beaver. Rich Davis from Ogden Rodeo has bought a table and an ad in support of Cody. It should be a great night. Rich said that Dusty Sagers (rodeo announcer from Tooele) did a live broadcast from Beaver “Home of Cody Wright”. He put it out on FB w/flier and letter. He said “let’s fill this place up with COWBOY HATS”! Scholarship- Rich
- ● Rich passed around two notes he received from scholarship winners (Aubree Lunt from Millard and Halle Hirschi from Mt. View).
- ● Amy will be sending out the checks. Rich will start sending emails to the HS counselors in December. Applications will start coming in in March. Busy times, March, April and May. We are expecting 80-100 applications. Thanks Rich
Stories from the Vault- Mae/Kelly
- ● The five SOV are completed for the HOF Banquet. James is putting off work on the other SOV until after the banquet. If you see James at the banquet…please make sure you tell him what a great job he does and how much we appreciate him.
- ● Kelly said that BYU SOV is an ongoing job. He tries to talk every two weeks with Chad Lewis, since Tom turned this over to Chad. His wife, Michele, is giving the prayer at the banquet. Maybe we can say something to him at the banquet about BYU SOV and potential donors. Officials Selection meeting- (Fred Thompson- Chair)
- ● Thursday, October 6th
- ● We would like to get the applications to the committee so they can read them prior to the October 6th meeting. Selection could be made after the meeting. Right now we have 16 applications. Steve asked if it is possible to honor all sixteen. Paul seemed to think we could eliminate a few people. Banquet will be at Little America. We need to guarantee them $14,000. Remember that the ticket price has a lot of other costs besides the meal…awards, gratuity, parking, etc. Joel stated that the Orem/Provo venue would love for us to come back there again. Are we locked in to Little America? Yes, for this year. Museum Update- Norma
- ● Things at the Museum are going well. Norma needs our help finding 2-3 workers and possibly a manager for the Museum. It needs to be a “labor of love” as they only get paid $10 per hour and work multiple shifts per week. All of her resources/contacts are taped out. Brian said he would mention it to his sister and get back to Norma. Please let Norma know if you might have someone in mind to work at the Museum.
- ● Norma mentioned that on October 3rd at noon there will be a large group from her Rotary Club tour the Museum. She will need a few BOD to help out that day.
- ● Norma said that we need pictures from Jon of Jim Green to post at the Museum. Gallery Update- Brian
● Brian tries to go into the Museum and post bios/pix to the Gallery of Honor at
least once or twice a month. He needs more information to work with. He is stuck with about 24% completed (100/400). Some of the information he can take off the old programs. Joel got some info off the letters he sent out two years ago to HOF honorees. He asked for a bio/pix and donation. Rich also got a lot of information from honorees that are from the Tooele, Grantville or Stansbury Park area. Thanks Brian for all your time and effort.
- ● Steve reminded everyone to get their tickets. Deadline for the September 6th mailing is September 5th. All tickets will be at Will Call after that date. Registration online will close Sunday, September 18th at 6:00 p.m. Those additional tickets will also be at Will Call that evening. All BOD tickets will be put on Will Call and seats assigned that evening unless otherwise requested.
- ● Big thanks to Cal for tags/lanyards, Joel for the programs, Rich and Diane for the ticketing process, and everyone else for helping out.
- ● QR code will be on the back of the program making it convenient to make a donation.
- ● Elaine thanked everyone who helped out with the BYU Athletic Department tour. The people had a great time. Elaine said she had received some thank notes from people that attended. One said “it was a GEM, right here in the middle of Salt Lake City.” A very special day, wonderful time and gratitude were some of the other comments. Thanks to Elaine for arranging this tour. Thanks to Mae for taking charge that day, wonderful snacks, locking the door and NO bathroom facilities!
- ● Track coach Willard Hirschi’s wife passed away. Willard is homebound and losing a grip on reality. If any of you know him, please reach out and give him a call of encouragement. His granddaughter, Halle, won the scholarship two years ago, and wrote one of the thank you notes today.
- ● Elaine mentioned that Shay has developed a package for the video boards at athletic games. This should help with visibility. She said “We need to get the word out”. Please wear your shirts, hats, nametags, etc. She has fliers for the Museum if anyone needs some. Elaine would like to meet with the marketing committee for five minutes right after this meeting is over
- ● Gary Stevens brought a box of peaches. Help yourself. Thank Gary. “Why does the cow milking stool have only three legs?” The cow has the “utter”. If there isn’t anything else… Thank you all for your attendance. The next meeting will be on October 6, 2022 at the UHSAA. The meeting ended at 12:27 p.m.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Hall of Fame Banquet Appreciation Dinner Officials Banquet Spring Banquet
Hall of Fame Banquet Leadership Symposium
September 19, 2022 November ?, 2022
January 23, 2023 (Mon) April 5, 2023 (Wed) June 12, 2023
September 18, 2023 January 2024
Little America Hotel TBA
Little America Hotel Talons Cove Golf Club
Little America Hotel TBA
UHSAA Offices
THURSDAY October 6, 2022
11:30am – UHSAA
- Health Issues
- September minutes (Steve)
- Hall of Fame Banquet Summary (Norma – Rich ) Suggestions for Improvement – Thanks to ticket guru’s(Rich/Diane) Will Call captains (Dave C. Susan, Amy) Programs (Joel) Ticket takers, Ushers(Admiral Smith & Crew)
Mae(flowers) Backdrop (Dave H. Rich, Mae) Videos (James Nelson) Flags (Craig G. Dave H. Shay W.) Old Honorees (Jerry G.)
Enshrinement at Museum – Mae
- Museum Update (Norma)
Museum Volunteer App (Craig)
- Stories from the Vault – Mae – Kelly (BYU update on stories)
- Scholarships (Rich)
- Spring and Fall Honoree Selection (gather apps on line in December)
Committee Chairs – Joel Gardner (Coaches) Distinguished (Tres Ferrin)
Hall of Fame (Lamar Hirschi)
- Fundraising update – (Rod/Kelly)
- November Appreciation Dinner – HOF Museum – Thurs. November 3 5pm
- Gallery Update (Brian)
- Officials Selection 2023 (Fred Thompson) Committee meet after board
“Why did the golfer wear two pair of Pants?”
Future Events: * Board appreciation Dinner – November 3 – * Officials Banquet; Monday, January 23, 2023 * Spring Banquet: Wednesday, April 5 2023 *HOF Banquet, Monday, September 18, 2023
BOD Minutes – August 4, 2022
MINUTES – August 4, 2022.
SITE – UHSAA Boardroom
The meeting began at 11:40 a.m.
ATTENDEES: S. Gardner, Miya, Carr, Valdez, Rydalch, Cowley, Bennett, C. Anderson, Cuff, Draayer, Fullmer, C. Gardner, Graybeal, Hawkins, Jones, Mathis, Michaelis, Mooney, Preece, Salvo, Smith, Stevens, Wharton and Wyatt.
EXCUSED: Toole, J. Gardner and Ferrin.
GUEST: Tim Carr
President Steve Gardner welcomed the Board of Directors to the meeting. You should have received an email about the latest committee assignments. Please look it over to see if you have any questions.
Tom said he is doing great after his heart procedure. Norma spoke with Frank and he is also doing better after some health issues. Hopes to be with us in Sept at the banquet
MINUTES: July 7, 2022- Steve
Motion: Chris 2nd: Rob Approved
Update on Fall Banquet- Norma/Rich
- ● Question of whether we are doing an official “kick off”? Norma passed out the calendar and the individual assignments for the HOF Banquet. She briefly went over the handouts to see if there were questions, problems or suggestions.
- ● September 6th will be the first ticket mailing. Rich will have Dave make the labels and print 500 tickets. Dave will drop them off at the UHSAA. Norma asked Rich to see if Dave could assist at Will Call that evening. Amy is going to make sure to purchase another credit card reader. Steve has the mailing envelopes.
- ● We need to make sure all the BOD have name tags. Cal can take care of this task. Joel is still on a cruise on the Rhine River (Germany), but he said the plaques will be ready and we need ads for the program. Susan will bring the flags, poles, banners and photo backdrop. She will also bring the signs for the Will Call table. The press release should be ready to release the third week in August.
- ● Paul is in charge of the ushers, but he wants to be promoted to Admiral from Captain! Mae is in charge of the speech length. Five to seven minutes max…after that we play music….then she cuts the microphone OFF.
- ● Look over the handouts for more details and your specific assignments.
- ● Norma told the sponsors they need to get their ads into Joel ($300 full page and $200 for 1⁄2 page). It is important to get the payment when you get the ad.
- ● September 20th will be the HOF honorees unveiling at the Museum. All the sponsors should be there. BOD members are also invited to attend if they can make it. Introduction of New Board member (Tim Carr)- Steve
- ● Tim was recommended as a BOD member by Shay. Tim is one of our honored officials. He has been an official, coach and professor. He has also written articles for referee magazines. Shay has worked with him at Westminster College. Shay said he is a great collaborator, problem solver, etc. and will do a great job. Norma commented that he is very knowledgeable, great with computers and will be an asset on any committee. Evan and Rich said he is an outstanding person and will make a great board member.
- ● Motion to accept Tim as a BOD: Tom 2nd; Brian Approved Steve welcomed Tim as a board member. *** note we need name tags for Tom, Tim and Nate. Fall Banquet Sponsors Report: Entrance song, Flag, Flag Bearer, etc.
- ● Steve Gardner (Scott Brumfield)- Steve said that Scott has three tables. The flag will be BYU and his son, Tyler, will be the flag bearer. Ads from Spanish Fork HS and Utah Tech.
- ● Deb Bennett (Norma Carr)- Deb said that Norma has done a lot of work to help…now she is just going to sit back and enjoy the evening. A lot of email invitations have gone out. So far she has seven tables for family/friends and another one from Davis HS. Ads coming in from SLCC, U of U, and Davis HS. Her flag and song are going to be a surprise. Flag bearer is Betsy ?.
- ● Tres Ferrin (Dave Checketts)- Dave has six tables. RSL ad and hopefully an ad from Jazz. His flag will be the Jazz flag and his grandsons, Connor and Teddy, will carry the flag. Song (maybe) Here Comes the Sun?…Still waiting on that.
- ● Larry Fullmer (Steve Konowalchuk)- Larry said that Steve left Utah at age 15 and went to Canada. But, he still has a lot of family in Utah. He is very excited and honored to receive this award. The flag will be the Washington Capitals (Larry got that flag to Susan today). The song is possiby “We Are The Champions’ ‘ by Queen.
- ● Kent Draayer (Cody Wright)- Things can start happening now that the 24th of July festivities are over. The towns of Beaver and Milford should be very supportive. The City Secretary is working on the ads. PRCA will be Cody’s flag and the music will be rodeo’s grand entry song (we will need to find out what that is).
- ● Sponsors will need to contact people buying ads a few times. Make sure the ad gets turned in to Joel for the program and the money gets turned in to Amy.
- ● Norma reminded the BOD to get their reservation in and bring at least one guest.
- ● So far we have 281 reservations (22 tables). Our goal is 500 people for the evening. Scholarship- Rich
- ● Rich said we have five students going to college, one going on a mission and two returning from missions. One student returning from the mission will be too late for the starting semester.
- ● Jenna Gibbons (SkyView HS) came down to see the Museum. She was impressed with the Museum and seeing her name on the Scholarship Board.
- ● Great Job Rich. Thanks for all your hard work. Stories from the Vault- Mae
- ● Five of the SOV for the HOF Banquet are to the editor. Dave Checketts interview is set for Monday. Mae said that the PRCA is sending a film crew to the banquet for Cody Wright. “Pretty Cool”!
- ● Mae and James currently have ten SOV under production.
- ● There is a display at the Museum from Dusty Rhodes on loan to us for a year. Included in the display is a picture of him with Babe Ruth. Officials Banquet- Steve
● Fred is the chairperson. The date will be January 23rd or 30th, whichever one is
available. We will be honoring 12 – 15 officials.
Museum Update- Norma
- ● Norma said the Museum is up and running…everyone needs to make an effort to stop by and visit the Museum. Craig will get the SignUp Genius up and running so the BOD can start volunteering again.
- ● Norma is working on getting the paperwork in to document our use of the money from the Legislature.
- ● We have had some problems with homeless people coming into the Museum. Some jerseys/uniforms have been stolen from the “take your best shot” display lockers. We are going to remove the jerseys/uniforms for now. Museum visit- Elaine
● Elaine has approximately fifteen people from the BYU Athletic Department (Liz
Gardner- assistant) that would like to visit the Museum on Wednesday, August 17th @ 9:00 a.m. The group plans to visit the Relief Society Building after their Museum tour. Mae will be in charge of the tour, but she will need some volunteers from the BOD to help that morning. Please let Mae know if you are willing to help. Please wear your name tags and USHOFF shirts.
- ● Brian said he really enjoyed helping the youth group tour the Museum. Thanks to Rich and Christina for also helping with that group. Brian also said he is “plugging” along trying to get photos/bios into the Gallery of Honor. He still needs additional information for the Gallery. Brian is posting things from the Museum every Monday on Facebook. Please share these posts.
- ● Brian asked if he could put some books he had written at the Museum. All proceeds from sales would go to the Museum. Elaine had books donated from Deseret Book for the Symposium. It is a great idea to highlight books written by Utah athletes. Great Idea-LINK IT. Norma told Brian to leave the books and prices at the Museum front desk. Thanks Brian.
- ● Tom wanted to let everyone know that Ben Lomond High School is going to name their basketball court in honor of Evan Excell. Amazing honor! Congratulations Evan.
- ● Craig proposed that the date of the Golf Tournament be Monday, June 12, 2023. Motion: Craig 2nd: Norma Approved.
- ● Mae mentioned that there is a Japanese/American Museum in Los Angeles. They asked Wat Misaka’s daughter for some memorabilia to display from her father. They are using our USHOFF Logo basketball with Wat’s signature to display for the next year. Wow…thanks Mae.
- ● Elaine would like to meet with her marketing committee immediately after this meeting. If there isn’t anything else… Thank you all for your attendance. The next meeting will be on September 1, 2022 at the UHSAA. The meeting ended at 12:40 p.m.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Hall of Fame Banquet Appreciation Dinner Officials Banquet Spring Banquet Leadership Symposium
September 19, 2022 Little America Hotel November ?, 2022 TBA
January 23rd or 30th, 2023 TBA
April 5, 2023 (Wed) Little America Hotel January 2024 TBA