- Each individual seeking membership in THE FOUNDATION shall make application on a form prepared by THE FOUNDATION. The application shall be accompanied by the applicable membership fee, and shall be subject to acceptance by THE FOUNDATION.
- Annual membership dues, established by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors, shall be due and payable on or before June 30 of every calendar year.
- Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one (1) vote on matters that come before the committee.
- Each member of the Board of Directors shall have one (1) vote on business that is considered at regularly-scheduled board meetings.
- A two-thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to effect changes in THE FOUNDATION’s operating procedures. A quorum shall consist of fifty (50) percent of the members of the Board of Directors.
- Elected Officers and Their Duties
- The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of THE FOUNDATION’s Board of Directors, Executive Committee and any special meetings;
- Have the Minutes of the immediate past meeting read to members of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, and provide a copy when requested by any member or at the discretion of the President the Minutes from the immediate past meetings will be emailed to the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee for their review. Any corrections, additions or deletions could be made before, or at, the next meeting. The Minutes, along with these changes, would then be presented to the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors for their approval.
- Provide a written agenda for all Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings;
- Act as a signatory (in addition to the Secretary) on all checks drawn on the treasury of THE FOUNDATION;
- Delegate responsibility for handling all duties not provided for in the Constitution and the By-Laws;
- Represent, or delegate someone to represent, THE FOUNDATION at all FOUNDATION functions or activities;
- Make decisions not covered by the Constitution and the By-Laws, and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee;
- Appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, all members of the Executive Committee;
- Be responsible for the appointment of THE FOUNDATION’s Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and the Treasurer/Fund Raiser, with the final approval of the Board of Directors;
- Be responsible for all appointments of individuals to serve on THE FOUNDATION’s standing committees and ad hoc committees; and
- Administer the affairs of THE FOUNDATION in an effective and responsible manner.
- The President-Elect shall:
- Preside at all meetings in the absence of the President;
- Assist the President by supervising the work of all committees;
- Function effectively as a member of the Executive Committee;
- Oversee and supervise the Treasurer/Fund Raiser, assisting and coordinating the endowment structure and fundraising goals, and implementing long-range financial stability; and
- Assume other duties and responsibilities delegated by the President.
- The Past President shall:
- Serve as an advisor to the President, President-Elect and Executive Committee to ensure THE FOUNDATION’s business is conducted according to the Constitution and the By-Laws, and to provide effective continuity; and
- Actively assist in THE FOUNDATION’s statewide effort to increase membership.
- The President shall:
- Appointed Officers and Their Duties
- Secretary (with the help of an Assistant Secretary) shall:
- Maintain a current record of the membership of THE FOUNDATION;
- Maintain a record of all previous honorees of THE FOUNDATION, and supervise the maintenance of honoree records/history;
- Assist with the organization of the various honoree banquets and programs, including securing of facilities and selection of the meal menu;
- Maintain a record of all Minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors;
- Notify members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors regarding FOUNDATION meetings and business;
- Collect dues, pay all bills, and provide monthly financial reports to the President, Executive Committee and the Board of Directors;
- Notify the general membership of dues renewal, banquets, fundraising events and special activities; and
- Ensure that the FOUNDATION’s books are balanced and audited yearly, receipts are issued to donors, and THE FOUNDATION’s tax deductible status is properly maintained.
- Treasurer/Fundraiser shall:
- Keep, or cause to be kept, a complete record of all finances of the FOUNDATION;
- Organize a FOUNDATION Endowment Fund, with appropriate policies and procedures to ensure tax deductible advantages to donors, and those offering endowments through provisions in wills, trusts, estates, etc.; and
- Organize and oversee a fundraising committee which will aid THE FOUNDATION by securing donations for, but not exclusive to:
- Sponsors for each honors banquet/program; and
- Building THE FOUNDATION’s Endowment Fund to ensure stability and possible expansion of THE FOUNDATION’s scholarship program and other related activities.
- Secretary (with the help of an Assistant Secretary) shall:
- Executive Committee
- Shall include the President, President-Elect, immediate Past President and five (5) appointed at-large members from the Board of Directors and/or Past Presidents.
- Shall be responsible for reviewing the regulations which govern the activities of THE FOUNDATION. In performing its function, the Committee shall act in accordance with its Operating Code.
- Standing Committees
- Shall be chaired by appointed members of the Board of Directors, and shall serve as liaisons between the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The Chairpersons shall function in accordance with the committee’s Operating Code.
- Ad Hoc Committees
- Shall be appointed by the President whenever needed. The actions, recommendations and decisions of these committees shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. The committee shall cease to function when the specific task has been completed.
- President
- Shall be elected every two (2) years by the Executive Committee, with said election subsequently requiring a majority approval by the Board of Directors.
- Shall serve, upon completion of the two (2) year term, an additional two (2) year period as THE FOUNDATION’s immediate Past President.
- President-Elect
- Shall be selected every two years by the Executive Committee, with said selection subsequently requiring a majority approval of the Board of Directors. At the completion of the two (2) year term, the President-Elect will become the President of THE FOUNDATION for two (2) years.
- Appointed Officers
- The Secretary, Assistant Secretary and the Treasurer/Fundraiser shall be selected by the President and the Executive Committee, with approval by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- The above-named appointees shall serve one (1) year terms, with a renewal review made by the Executive Committee to determine the quality of their performance and whether they should be advanced from probation to a five (5) year appointment, and also who will serve an additional five (5) year term. The review will be performed at the beginning of each calendar year.
- Board of Directors
- Shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a five (5) year term. The first year will serve as a year of probation to determine performance and commitment of the appointee. At the conclusion of the initial five (5) years, the Board member is eligible for an additional five (5) year term.
Any Officer, Executive Committee member or member of the Board of Directors may be removed from office, without cause, at any time by an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
- Executive Committee
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be selected and appointed in accordance
with the Constitution and the By-Laws. - The Chairperson shall:
- Be the President of THE FOUNDATION;
- Schedule Executive Committee meetings and others as deemed necessary;
- Preside over the Executive Committee meetings;
- Ensure that the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary be present at each Executive Committee meeting;
- Submit Executive Committee recommendations and changes in THE FOUNDATION’s regulations to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval; and
- Submit recommended changes in the operating code of the Executive Committee to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
- Meetings:
- The Executive Committee shall meet periodically at the discretion of the President;
- The date and location of the meetings will be selected by the Chairperson;
- Minutes of the previous meeting will be read and made available upon request to all members of the Executive Committee or at the discretion of the President the Minutes from the immediate past meeting will be emailed to the Executive Committee for their review. Any corrections, addition or deletions could be made before, or at, the next meeting. The Minutes, along with these changes, would then be presented to the Executive Committee for their approval.
- The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall be a voting member; and
- The Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall not be voting members.
- Functions of Executive Committee
- Review the functioning of the organization annually, including THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution, By-Laws and Operating Code;
- Periodically review the operating procedures of the Board of Directors and standing committees to ensure compliance with the Constitution and the By-Laws, and to make recommendations when necessary;
- Serve as a review body to act upon and resolve problems involving FOUNDATION business;
- Review FOUNDATION general regulations, give interpretations, render judgment and make appropriate decisions to advance to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval;
- Be in compliance with Executive Committee’s Operating Code; and
- Executive Committee members desiring to propose an amendment to the Constitution or the By-Laws, or to revise a current regulation, must present their proposal to the Executive Committee during a regularly-scheduled meeting. The proposal will be voted upon at the next meeting, and subsequently submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration and approval.
- Conflicts regarding the Constitution, By-Laws or stated guidelines.
- All conflicts/concerns of THE FOUNDATION’s general procedures must be submitted in writing by the concerned member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors or the Chairperson of a standing committee. The written conflict/concern shall be submitted three (3) weeks before the Executive Committee meeting, and shall include:
- Nature of the conflict/concern;
- The regulation affected;
- The facts concerning the conflict/concern;
- Supporting information; and
- Suggested solution.
- Within five (5) days of receiving a written copy of a conflict/concern, the Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall notify the members of the Executive Committee, the appropriate committee Chairperson, and the person who submitted the conflict/concern of the scheduled meeting in which the conflict/concern will be discussed, and a decision rendered.
- All conflicts/concerns of THE FOUNDATION’s general procedures must be submitted in writing by the concerned member of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors or the Chairperson of a standing committee. The written conflict/concern shall be submitted three (3) weeks before the Executive Committee meeting, and shall include:
- Revision of Operating Code
- Revisions of the Operating Code are subject to final approval by the Board of Directors, in accordance with THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution and By-Laws.
- The members of the Executive Committee shall be selected and appointed in accordance
- Board of Directors
- Membership
- The Board of Directors shall be selected in accordance with THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution.
- The Chairperson is THE FOUNDATION President who shall:
- Preside over the monthly Board of Director meetings;
- Ensure that the Secretary or Assistant Secretary is present at all Board of Director meetings;
- Prepare the Board of Directors meeting agenda;
- Submit recommended changes in THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Codes or Regulations to the Board of Directors for consideration and final approval; and
- Execute FOUNDATION business during Board of Directors meetings.
- Meetings
- The Board of Directors will meet the first Thursday of each month at a location determined in advance. Unless circumstances dictate otherwise, the membership of the Board of Directors will be notified by mail/e-mail.
- Minutes of the previous month’s meeting will be read and made available upon request. If an Executive Committee meeting has occurred in the previous month, those Minutes will also be read and made available upon request, or at the discretion of the President the Minutes from the immediate past meeting will be emailed to the Board of Directors for their review. Any corrections, additions or deletions could be made before, or at, the next meeting. The Minutes, along with these changes, would then be presented to the Board of Directors for their approval.
- All actions of the Board of Directors must be approved by a majority vote (51 percent) of a voting quorum. The President of THE FOUNDATION will only vote in case of a tie.
- Functions
- The Board of Directors shall:
- Review and give final approval of the various committee reports and recommendations;
- Periodically review THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution, By-Laws, Operating Code and Regulations, and when necessary, make recommendations for revision;
- Review Executive Committee decisions, and when necessary, give final approval for such decisions;
- Review all recommended changes, and when necessary, give final approval by a majority vote;
- Oversee the FOUNDATION’s events;
- Serve as a referral body to review and act upon problems involving FOUNDATION business;
- Review THE FOUNDATION’s general regulations, give interpretations, render judgments and make appropriate final decisions; and
- Nominate and ratify the selection of the President, President-Elect and/or other elected officers.
- The Board of Directors shall:
- In addition to the Executive Committee, the number of Board of Directors shall not exceed thirty-three (33) members. As a result of many years of exemplary service to THE FOUNDATION’s Board of Directors, a member of long standing shall be offered an “Emeritus Director” status by the Executive Board. The Emeritus Director will be exempt from normal committee assignments unless he/she chooses to accept a special assignment(s).
- Membership
- Standing Committee and Duties of the Chairperson
- Each standing committee shall have a Chairperson.
- The standing committee Chairperson shall:
- Be a member of the Board of Directors and appointed by THE FOUNDATION President; and
- Serve for three (3) years, with reappointment to be determined by performance and personal choice of the President, with approval of the Executive Committee.
- The function of the standing committee Chairperson is:
- To oversee committee responsibilities, facilitate communication and serve as a liaison between the committee and Board of Directors;
- Schedule meetings of the committee as needed;
- Keep committee records and information; and
- Communicate with THE FOUNDATION’s Secretary regarding the scheduling and notification of the committee’s meetings.
- The standing committee Chairperson shall:
- Each standing committee shall have a Chairperson.
- Committees
- The membership of THE FOUNDATION’s respective standing selection committees shall include:
- The Chairperson; and
- Up to ten (10) members from the Board of Directors, who shall be appointed by THE FOUNDATION’s President.
- The function of the standing selection committee will be to select individuals worthy to be honored in the following categories:
- Hall of Fame;
- Distinguished Coaches Hall of Honor;
- Coaches of Merit Hall of Honor;
- Distinguished Officials Hall of Honor (in collaboration with the Utah High School Activities Association);
- Distinguished Service Award recipients; and
- Ream’s Food Stores College Scholarships.
- The standing selection committee shall be guided in the procedure of choosing qualified individuals by policy statements governing each special honor category as follows:
- A firm deadline for all applications will be set by the selection committee Chairman;
- A ballot system will be followed for voting purposes. The number of candidates to be voted on will be determined by the Executive Committee;
- If the committee is unable to hold two or more selection meetings, copies of all applications will be sent to committee members one week in advance of the final selection meeting; and
- No absentee ballots will be allowed unless committee members have received all applications submitted for consideration and a ballot to be used in voting.
- The number of honorees in each category shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
- The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final and not subject to review.
- The method and criteria for the standing committee’s selection each year shall be subject to the approval by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- The President of THE FOUNDATION shall, with the approval of the Board of Directors, establish from time to time, as deemed desirable and necessary, other committees in addition to those mentioned previously herein, to include, but not limited to:
- Hall of Fame Banquet;
- Coaches Hall of Honor Banquet;
- Distinguished Service Award and Ream’s Scholarship Banquet;
- Summer Golf Event/Fundraiser;
- Publicity;
- Development and Fundraising; and
- Constitution and By-Laws.
- The membership of THE FOUNDATION’s respective standing selection committees shall include:
Revision of the Committee Chairperson’s Operating Code is subject to approval by the Executive Committee, in accordance with THE FOUNDATION’s Constitution and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- Utah Sports Hall of Fame
- Purpose:To recognize and honor athletes, head coaches, administrators and others who have had a great impact on sports in the state of Utah; those who have merited recognition and distinction and who, by their exploits, accomplishments and acclaim in the international and national sports world, have brought fame and honor to Utah; and by their character, leadership and example, serve as an inspiration and reflect the highest qualities of competitive activities.
- Criteria:
- Individual selected to an All-American Team;
- Olympic Team Member or Head Coach;
- World or National Champion or Record Holder in a recognized event or sport;
- Athlete, Head Coach or Administrator for a Professional Team at the highest level;
- Individual who has held an international or national leadership position in a sport;
- Individual who has received an international or national award which had an impact
on sports in Utah; and - Utah native or 10-year resident (exceptions to this criteria may be considered.)
- Recommendations:
- Selection committee shall vote by secret ballot and forward recommended list of Hall of Fame inductees to the Board of Directors for final approval by a majority vote;
- The number of Hall of Fame honorees shall be governed by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, and shall not exceed five (5) in a given year, unless extenuating circumstances dictate otherwise; and
- The selection committee will vote for only five (5) nominees to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, regardless of the number of candidates submitted, unless directed otherwise by the Executive Committee.
- Honorees shall be inducted annually, usually in November, at a Utah Sports Hall of Fame Foundation Banquet at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Distinguished Coaches Hall of Honor
- Purpose:To recognize and honor high school Head Coaches for their outstanding success in athletics and positively influencing the young people who came under their guidance and tutelage; to honor those who led by example and promoted dedication, hard work, character development and leadership.
- Criteria:
- Coached for at least ten (10) years in the state of Utah in the sport for which they are being nominated;
- Must have been retired for a minimum of two (2) years in the sport for which they are being nominated;
- Recognized as an outstanding coach because of his/her athletic success and/or other equally outstanding qualifications; and
- Selections should reflect a diverse group from every area of Utah, should represent both genders, and represent coaches of all sports.
- Recommendations:
- Selection Committee shall submit those selected to the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote; and
- The number of honorees each year shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Banquet:Honorees shall be recognized annually at a banquet, usually in May, at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Coaches of Merit Hall of Honor
- Purpose:To recognize and honor Head Coaches who have had a great influence in College Sport(s), or College and High School Sport(s) throughout their career; to recognize success in athletics, as well as leadership, dedication, and character development; and to recognize coaches whose athletes have brought honor and recognition to the state of Utah.
- Criteria:
- Coached for at least ten (10) years (with a minimum of five (5) years in the state of Utah) in the sport for which they are being nominated;
- Must have been retired for a minimum of two (2) years in the sport for which they are being nominated; and
- Recognized as outstanding coaches because of their athletic success and/or other equally outstanding qualities.
- Recommendations:
- Selection committee shall submit those selected to the Board of Directors for approval by majority vote; and
- The number of honorees each year shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Banquet:Honorees shall be recognized annually at a banquet, usually in May, at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Distinguished Officials Hall of Honor
- Purpose:THE FOUNDATION, in conjunction with the Utah High School Activities Association, shall recognize dedicated officials who have contributed significantly to sports in the state of Utah through a lifetime commitment to sports officiating at all levels—youth, pre-high school, high school, college and professional.
- Criteria:
- Must have been registered with the Utah High School Activities Association or a like organization, such as Utah Track and Field, or any collegiate or professional officiating organization for at least fifteen (15) years. Unusual circumstances regarding these criteria may be considered;
- Must have been retired for a minimum of two (2) years;
- Must have displayed high moral character, integrity, outstanding citizenship and embraced the ideals of the Utah High School Activities Association “Officials Code of Ethics”;
- Consideration shall be given to those who have served in more than one sports area during a career;
- Various levels of competition shall be given special consideration, i.e., number of regional or state tournaments, meets, championship games, etc.;
- Consideration shall be given for other officiating awards or recognition.
- Recommendations:
- Selection committee shall submit those selected to the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote; and
- The number of honorees selected each year shall be determined by the Executive Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors of both THE FOUNDATION and the Utah High School Activities Association.
- Banquet:Honored officials shall be recognized at a banquet, usually in September, at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Distinguished Service Award
- Purpose:To recognize and honor individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and service in school, community, recreation and sports activities.
- Criteria:
- Candidates must be aware of the Utah Sports Hall of Fame Foundation and endorse THE FOUNDATION’s purposes and values;
- Must be a native of the state of Utah, or at least a ten (10) year aggregate resident. This criterion may be waived under certain circumstances determined by the selection committee;
- Directors of special events (Utah Senior Games, Olympic Games, etc.) shall be given special consideration; and
- Being, or having been, an athlete is not a requirement.
- Recommendations:
- Selection committee shall submit those selected to the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote; and
- The number of honorees each year shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Banquet:Honorees shall be recognized at a banquet, usually in February, at a time and location determined by the Board of Directors.
- Ream’s Food Stores College Scholarships
- Purpose:To recognize deserving high school students who may, or may not, otherwise qualify for a college grant or scholarship assistance.
- Selection:
- Candidates shall be nominated by officials of Utah high schools on the basis of scholarship, leadership, character and need;
- Candidates shall be screened by a committee appointed by THE FOUNDATION President, with the approval of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors; and
- No more than six (6) scholarships shall be awarded annually.
- Recommendations:
- Selection committee shall submit those selected to the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote; and
- The number of honorees each year shall be determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- Banquet:Honorees shall be recognized annually at a banquet, usually in February, at a time and location determined by the Board of Directors.